Latest Book By Dianne C. Braley

The Silence in the Sound

A coming-of-age story woven with addiction, love, and celebrity, The Silence in the Sound is a women’s upmarket novel about young nurse Georgette who, to escape her past, heads where the memories won’t follow—Martha’s Vineyard island. While working there for ailing celebrity author, Mr. S. helps heal old wounds; new ones emerge in a toxic love affair.

Book Synopsis

On the picturesque island of Martha’s Vineyard an ailing celebrity novelist’s famous book about a choice helps his young nurse make a heartrending one of her own.

Fiery city girl, Georgette’s memory of a childhood trip to Martha’s Vineyard island with her father is one of the few good times. Her father was an alcoholic, and her enabler mother chose to stay with him; his addiction was the center of their world. Georgette fled home as soon as she could; years later, as a nurse, she’s going back to the island to start her life over. There, she becomes the private nurse for the ailing prize-winning novelist, Mr. S., and becomes enamored with the mysterious Dock, a wash-ashore like her whose disappearing acts only make her crave his love more.

As Georgette cares for Mr. S. and helps him come to terms with the end of his life along Vineyard Sound’s beautiful shores, they become friends. His famous book helps her navigate her life as George finds in the running away from her past, she inadvertently ran towards it. She loses herself in her relationship with Dock, who leads her down a road of denial and impossible choices she never thought she’d have to face.

Told through the voice of Georgette. The Silence in the Sound is a provocative coming-of-age debut revealing the lasting effects of growing up in addiction. But it also demonstrates a young woman’s strength as she navigates friendship, love, and heartbreak while finding her hidden strength along the way.

Meet The Author

A raw, gritty New Englander, Dianne C. Braley found love for the written word early on, reading and creating stories while trying to escape hers, growing up in the turbulent world of alcoholism. After putting her pencil down for a time, she became a registered nurse finding strength and calm in caring for those who couldn’t care for themselves. Still, she never lost her drive to write, and later she found her passion again on the island of Martha’s Vineyard with the help of a famous author who became her friend and motivator.

What Readers Are Saying

That was quite a rollercoaster to read, very emotional and powerful, and it was so gritty and achingly real.

Samantha G.

The writing here is both atmospheric and elegant.
Brianna S.

An exquisite debut from a thrilling new voice. The Silence in the Sound is a poetic story, powerfully told. Emotional yet exhilarating, Dianne C. Braley’s novel is alluring through every page.

Anna David

NY Times bestselling author of Party Girl and founder of Legacy Launch Pad

In The Silence in the Sound, Dianne Braley fashions a moving tale in which complicated love—for an alcoholic father, testy patient, unnervingly enigmatic lover, and Martha’s Vineyard—interweaves to create a compelling narrative. Georgette returns as an adult to the island, lured by the memory of a significant weekend there as a teenager with her father. She becomes the private nurse to the famous author Mr. S. for whom, despite his difficult nature, she develops a deep fondness. But Georgette can’t outrun the damage from growing up with an addict in a dysfunctional home as she becomes entangled in a complicated relationship with Dock—a local contractor with a mysterious past. Brimming with rich characters and a provocative storyline, Braley movingly explores if our history indelibly determines our future.
Abby Remer

Published author and writer for the Martha’s Vineyard Times

This story is a compelling exploration and damnation of the harmful effects of substance abuse and how the harm it causes lingers beyond the self.
J. Flowers-Olnowich

The Silence in the Sound is an unflinching look at the legacy of addiction and the soul-destroying effect it has on family and friends. Love does not conquer all for George, and her long journey from anger to forgiveness is grueling. In George, author Braley has given us a believable, flawed character whose story compels the reader to root for her.
Susan Wilson

NY Times bestselling author of One Good Dog

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Awards & Featured On

Firebird Book Award

The Silence in the Sound, An engaging story of love, grief, and remoteness on Martha’s Vineyard -Kirkus Reviews

Pencraft Award Winner 2022, Literary Excellence


Best Book Awards Finalist of American Book Fest

Women's Fiction Writers Association

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