Hey everyone. I wanted to share an important day coming up on June 8. It’s Women’s Fiction day, and for me and so many others, it’s extraordinary and important.
Women’s Fiction Day celebrates women’s fiction authors, novels, publishers, booksellers, and most importantly, readers who appreciate women’s fiction and the power of a great story. This year for Women’s Fiction Day, members across the country will hold book signings to engage and connect with readers.
“Authors love connecting with readers, and the last couple of years have been difficult all around,” said WFWA President Jacki Kelly. “Seeing a glimmer of hope on the horizon, this year, we’re working with our members to celebrate Women’s Fiction Day both in-person and online.”
What Is Women’s Fiction?
Women’s fiction is a writing genre that includes layered stories in which the main character’s emotional journey drives the plot. The stories can be contemporary or historical and may have magical, mystery, thriller, romance, or other elements.
Ways to Celebrate Women’s Fiction Day
- Visit www.womensfictionwriters.org and search the list of authors offering free books and giveaways.
- Attend one of the many book signings held across the country on June 8.
- Visit www.womensfictionwriters.org and subscribe to the free Read ON! Newsletter where we’ll keep you up-to-date on new women’s fiction authors and titles.
- Visit the WFWA Goodreads bookshelf and Pinterest boards to find hundreds of titles.
- Download the Hear Us Roar debut authors podcast
- Visit your local library and/or indie bookstore to discover new authors and novels.
- Follow WFWA on Twitter @WF_Writers or Instagram womensfictionwriters.
- On social media, #bookstagram your favorite book and include a photo or stack with #womensfictionday.
I’m a member of the Women’s Fiction Writers Association (WFWA), a non-profit association dedicated to supporting authors of women’s fiction. They are a fantastic group and so supportive of female authors. I can’t say enough about how they have helped me shape my work. In honor of them and Women’s Fiction Day, I’ll be giving a copy of my upcoming Women’s Fiction book, The Silence in the Sound, to one lucky reader.
Leave a comment letting me and everyone know your favorite women’s fiction work, and I’ll randomly pick one person to send my book to. I appreciate your support every day. It’s beautiful and unwavering. I am continuously in awe at how many people wish for another, sometimes a stranger, to succeed. Thank you.
I have so many favorites. I loved Barbara conrey’s “nowhere near goodbye”.
I’d love it if you subscribe to my newsletter; that way, you can stay on top of any future giveaways. Thank you!
My favorite women’s fiction book is “Some Can See” by J.R. Erickson.
Thank you very much for the chance and I wish you a Happy Women’s Fiction Day and I wish you all the success!!
I’d love it if you subscribe to my newsletter; that way, you can stay on top of any future giveaways. Thank you!
I’d love a chance to win a copy of your book!
Krista White
I’d love it if you subscribe to my newsletter; that way, you can stay on top of any future giveaways. Thank you!
New follower (Facebook & Instagram)
I LOVE the Outlander Series, by Diana Gabaldon!
Thank you for the chance!
no fav
Thanks, guys! I will pick a winner this weekend. Thank you for your support!
Kristen Cox, you win! Thank you all for checking me out. There will undoubtedly be more giveaways. You’re the best.
With thanks & appreciation,